© Korean Martial Arts Masters Hall Of Fame
Website Created By: Allans Media Productions
Everything we do, every person whose life is impacted or improved, stems from an act of generosity that's purely voluntary. You don't have to
donate. That's why it's so extraordinary when you do.
The Korean Martial Arts Masters Hall Of Fame, a 501(c)(3) corporation, offers a unique opportunity for your business to have a global and lasting
impact on the future of Korean Martial Arts. Your partnership with us will further our efforts in honoring these living icons and help secure the
future of Korean Martial Arts through developing children and youth.
In Atlanta, at the 2018 event we will be introducing a yearly scholarship program that will assist in developing essential skills in youth. This
scholarship will assist in fees and equipment associated with classes at selected Korean martial arts schools. With your partnership we will continue
to expand this program every year until we are able to assist children in every state and every country.
It is a proven fact that children who get involved in martial arts reap many benefits including but not limited to fitness, self-discipline, respect, self-
confidence and socialization skills. Along with good and solid role models, our children need these essential skills to help promote a better future
for all.
Through the donations of our sponsors along with the dedicated individuals who support us every year we are able to make a huge impact in the
future of Korean martial arts and the youth of today.
Help us rightfully bring honor to those most deserving and partner with us as we set out make this Hall of Fame the most respected and
distinguished event in existence. We are setting a new standard – a standard that focuses on integrity and respect. Join us and partner alongside us
as we set out to make a true difference in the martial arts industry, and help mold its future.
Corporate or Personal - if you are interested in donating or becoming a sponsor please contact us at
info.kmam.hof@gmail.com or click the email icon at the top right of this page.
Thank You For Your Donations
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