2016 KMAM-HOF TRAILBLAZER INDUCTEEHarold “Hawk” Hawkinsn 1968, at the age of 19, Master Harold (Hawk) Hawkins began his training in Ji Do Kwon Tae Kwon-Do under Master Yun Nam Ku in Chun Chon Korea while serving with the 4th U.S. Missile Command U.S. Army. After 19 months of intense training, he received his black belt in Ji Do Kwon Tae Kwon Do. While there he was allowed to compete in some Republic of Korea events such as Yudo (judo) boxing and the Korean Police events.After his discharge from the military he moved back to Chicago, after competing from 1970 through 1974 he decided to join the army once again and was stationed back in Korea serving with the 2nd Infantry Division. In his second trip to Korea Master Hawkins was greeted by General H. (Gunfighter) Emerson. The General was so impressed with Master Hawkins fighting skills, the General asked him to join the 2nd Infantry Division TaeKwonDo Team. It was at this time he competed against the ROK Army Teams such as the 26th Division White Horse, Rok Tiger Division, 28th Infantry Division along with some of the University Teams throughout Korea. He also during the early years of the Kukiwon. Master Hawkins was asked to demonstrate his skills for President Gerald Ford when the president visited Korea in November 1974 and was tasked with the honor to present Mrs. Ford with a plaque from the 2nd Infantry Division. Master Hawkins doesn't lay claim to any other arts but has studied other styles which he views helps him him to be stronger in Tae kwon Do.http://hawkinstaekwondo.blogspot.com/https://www.facebook.com/Hawkins-School-Of-Tae-Kwon-Do-278373355504/