He-Young Kimm
Dr. He-Young Kimm was born in SuWon near Seoul, Korea in 1940 to a family who traditionally emphasized the pen
and the sword. Due to the family's genealogy and the great number of physical hardships that his ancestors had
suffered, Dr. Kimm's parents stressed the importance of not just education but also the rigorous traditional
capability to fight and preserve life. This was the environment and philosophy that has influenced him throughout
his life.
In Korea a successful man is defined by three criteria: 1) You must come from a good family background. 2) You
must come from the right geographical area. 3) You must graduate from the right high school and university. This
has been a long tradition in the Korean culture. After receiving the proper education, you were required proper
connections in order to secure your future. This connection comes from people of the same blood lines, people who
came from the same geographical area, and also from people who graduated from the same high school and
university. Without these connections, it is very difficult to become a successful man in Korea. This tradition is still a
very dominant factor in Korea even today.
The knowledge that Dr. Kimm has accumulated over the last forty five years through
various grand masters and personal experiences have been immense. From this
knowledge and experience, Dr. Kimm has create a new system of Korean martial art
which he calls Han Mu Do. This was not the first name that Dr. Kimm has called this
art. The first name he used was Yuj Kwon Sul which means "art of throws and
punches." This name was strongly recommended by Grandmaster Suk In-hyuk
because this name had been popular in the 1950's. Grandmaster Ji Han-jae favored
the name Han Mu Yuh Kwon Sul which means the Korean Martial Art of Throws and
Punches. For a while, it was called Han Mu Yuh Kwon Sul. Some groups from Ki
training schools did not like the use of "Mu" because it meant "martial arts" and they
considered that the Ki training contained in Han MU Do was more than martial arts
training. Therefore, they called it Han Do, which means "way of Korean martial arts." Finally, in 1991, Dr. Kimm
decided to call the art Han Mu Do.
Dr. Kimm received a 9th Dan in Hapkido with GM Ji Han Jae as well as an 8th Dan in Kuk Sool with GM Suh In
Hyuk. In addition to these accomplishments he also studied TaeKwonDo, Kum Do (Korean Swordsmanship), Tang
Soo Do and rare forms of Korean martial arts such as Taek Kyun, Ship Pal Ki, Sun Mu Do, Sundo, and Muye Yi Ship
Sa Ban with their respected founders.