Michael Romines
Grand Master Michael Romines martial arts studies began in 1963 in Judo and Shotokan; he eventually received
black belt ranks in both arts.
His study of Tang Soo Do began in 1965 under Grand Master Sang Kyu Shim. Since then GM Romines has had the
privilege to study under Grand master Hwnag Kee, C.I. Kim, H. Murphy, J. Kleinfeld, Jae Chul Shin and Grand
Master William Clingan. GM Romines was awarded his 1st through 5th Dan from the Korean Tang Soo Do
Association. in 2006 he was awarded his 8th Dan and Grand Master certification from the All American Tang Soo
Do Association. GM Romines received his 9th Dan in 2013 from the UMAB.
In 1974 GM Romines began the study of Tae Kwon Do under Grand Master Humesky. In 2012 GM Romines was
awarded his 8th Dan in Tae Kwon Do from GM E. Humesky with the UTB organization. GM Romines takes pride in
the fact he is GM Humesky’s most senior student.
Michael Romines was born in Flint Michigan. He is now retired from the automotive industry. He takes pride in his
native Cherokee heritage. He volunteers much of his time at the North American Indian Association in Detroit
Michigan. In his spare time he enjoys golfing and attending Pow Wow’s.
GM Romines has also studied Modern Arnis under founder Grand Master Remy Presas and Aikido under founder
Grand Master Yujishiba. GM Romines has been inducted into the Martial Arts Hall Of Fame and Who’s Who in the
Martial Arts. He served in several positions in the World Tang Soo Do Association, including Technical Advisory
Chairman. In 2013 GM Romines celebrated 50 years in the martial arts.